Everything was supposed to be completely different, but COVID destroyed our plans.

10 years ago, on September 1, 2010, I founded Polhotrep with the intention of representing foreign travel agencies in Poland. I mean, not exactly …, at the beginning, as I come from the hotel industry, I thought about representing hotels, but the reality decided otherwise and from the representation of hotels (hence the name POL HOT REP, it has nothing to do with “hot rep” but “Polish Hotel Representative) I moved quickly to dmc representation, and then more broadly – tourist companies.

At the beginning of this year, I had huge, wonderful plans to celebrate the 10th anniversary, there was supposed to be a large event, invited guests, representatives of my partner companies were to fly to Warsaw to meet you and celebrate our 10th anniversary together. 2020 decided otherwise, the coronavirus came, there was a crash in March and so far there is no significant improvement in tourism.

Nevertheless, we are not giving up, we are full of hope that 2021 will be better, we know that it is and will be hard, but we wish you and ourselves that we could all meet in 2021 in a more positive mood. These last 10 years were full of ups and downs, but after every rain the sun comes out and together with my 10 foreign partners we wish you and ourselves that sun.

Thank you for being with us for these 10 years and we believe that you will continue to be with us in the future. Thank you for 10 years of joint meetings, visits to your offices, for events, workshops, presentations, our wonderful family trips and trips to IBTM and IMEX fairs, lots of shared experiences, lots of programs, thousands of offers made, we hope that as well lots of your satisfied customers.
We thank you warmly for all this and stay in touch.